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Mustapha Lateb, M.Sc.

July, 2020

Website: Repositories: mlateb
Address: Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria Mobile: +213 556 137 469

Work experience

since Oct 2019
GIS lecturer (Part Time) at the Biological and Agricultural Sciences Faculty, UMMTO , Algeria.

Jan 2017–Jun 2019
Postgraduate Researcher at the Geoinformation departement, MAICh, Greece.

Mar 2013–Sep 2013
Energy Steward at Aldaph-NovoNordisk,Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria

Nov 2011–Feb 2013
Quality Assurance Technician at Aldaph-NovoNordisk,Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.


Attended summer schools

Oral presentations

Lateb, M., Kalaitzidis, C., Tompoulidou, M. and Gitas, I., 2016, August. Development of an object-based classification model for mapping mountainous forest cover at high elevation using aerial photography. In Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2016) (Vol. 9688, p. 96881H). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Poster Presentations

Mustapha Lateb, Chariton Kalaitzidis and Fazia Krouchi, Arezki Derrid. “Forest disturbance and retrieval mapping of Akfadou, a Mediterranean oak forest in Centre-north of Algeria”. 3rd joint EARSeL LULC & NASA LCLUC Workshop: Land-Use/Cover Change & the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (July 2018, MAICh, Chania, Greece)


Chariton Kalaitzidis, Ioannis Gitas, Vincent Ambrosia, Thomas Katagis, Mustapha Lateb (Eds.). (2019). New trends in forest fire research incorporating big data and climate change modeling [Special issue]. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, 8(1s).

Conference Co-Organisation

Organising committee member of the following international conferences:

Programming Skills


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